Aspyr Personal Training - Workout of the Day (WOD) - Tuesday 27th February 2018

Warm Up

10 x Shoulder shrugs

10 x Is, Ys, Ts

10 x weight @ 6, 9 & 12

Sets = 3

Main Set:

15 - 20 x Chest press (light weight)

15 - 20 x Press Ups

Sets = 4

15 - 20 x Rows

15 - 20 x Renegade Rows (no weight)

Sets = 4

15 - 20 Overhead tricep extensions

15 - 20 Bicep Curls

Sets = 4


20 x Mountain climbers

20 x Leg Raises

20 x Commandos

20 x Crunches

1 min front hollow

Sets = 4